You know how you feel after spending 2 or 3 hours in front of your computer your eyes are itchy and you have little red dots in front of your vision, these are some of the current symptoms of the progressive damage that you're subjecting yourself to. 



of adults experience the following Eye Strain Symptoms

Eye fatigue, itchy eyes, dry eyes, blurred vision, double vision, headaches, neck and back pain.



computer users

50-90% of computer users suffer from visual symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CSV).


8 out of 10

USE 2 or more devices simultaneously.

8 out of 10 of the people who suffer from Computer Eye Strain use 2 or more devices simultaneously.


Your screens are Damaging your eyes…

The problem is, screens emit high levels of short-wave blue spectrum light waves causing our eyes to constantly refocus. Blue light causes eye fatigue, headaches and eventually impaired levels of concentration. Research suggests, long term continued exposure to the light emitted from back lit displays, can cause slow degeneration of the retina, which could accelerate long term vision problems such as Macular Degeneration.

Blublock® computer specs are designed to filter the blue spectrum light rays, allowing a sharper image to be transferred to the retina, keeping our eyes focused and relaxed.


Your screens are Ruining your sleep…

Beyond damaging your eyes, exposure to blue light at night disrupts the circadian rhythm that regulates the release of melatonin, preventing you from falling asleep and degrading your sleep quality.

Wearing Blublock® computer glasses relieves eye strain caused by spending time in front of a screen, enabling maximum concentration and a good night sleep.

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Protect your eyes in the digital age

We can't avoid using these devices in our everyday life, but we can choose to look after ourselves in spite of the harmful effect of these technologies.

HALT the damaging effects of blue light NOW with Blublock®.

Our Blublock® lenses are suitable for all ages and are available with and without lens diopter power.